Who are we, and who are we for?
Midhurst Child Care Limited is a group encompassing a range of organisations, including fostering and education companies. The work of Midhurst Child Care Limited has identified a significant need for professionals working with individuals who suffer from a range of traumas.
This is why we founded Midhurst Learning Campus – to deliver training and qualifications to students in the UK and abroad, in partnership with prestigious UK universities. This course will upskill and better equip these professionals and those interested in working with people suffering from complex trauma.

Why learn with Midhurst Learning Campus?
While there are other courses covering aspects of attachment and trauma, no other master’s course in the UK currently focuses on developmental complex trauma. In partnership with Sheffield Hallam University, this is a fully accredited MSc-level course that offers confident upskilling to professionals working in settings such as psychotherapy, clinical work, health and social care, and those working with looked after children and young people.

Meet Your Lecturers
The lecturers on the MSc in Developmental (Complex) Trauma are coming together to deliver an up to date scientifically based learning experience. Drawing on over thirty years of specific research into abuse, neglect, and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), our prestigious staff walk the talk and have decades of experience to show for it. With backgrounds in the fields of trauma, education, psychology, and psychotherapy, and associations with organisations as wide-ranging as the NHS, the United Nations Leadership Programme, Saïd Business School, and the Arizona Trauma Institute, you can learn from distinguished professionals with both the academic qualifications and frontline careers to match.
Most recently, Perdita held the role of Executive Director for a national charity, with overall responsibility for education, therapy and residential care within independent special schools and colleges. Prior to this, Perdita led day care services within the high security hospital sector.
As well as being a qualified teacher, Perdita holds several qualifications in education, leadership, and social care including a Doctorate in Education. Perdita has led national projects to raise awareness of mental health and personality disorders as well as leading research on the educational experiences of looked after children.
Peter is an Associate Fellow at Saïd Business School, Oxford University. He contributes to leadership development programmes at several institutions, including the United Nations Leadership Programme and Saïd Business School, as well as for the Major Project Leadership Academy (MPLA) of the Cabinet Office; Infrastructure and Projects Authority; and the Institute of Public Administration (Ireland).
His workshops focus on developing resilience, stress management and performance, as well as leading under pressure as part of leadership development training.
Peter has lectured and trained in Adaptive Resilience and/or Leadership Development and Special Needs Education at:
- NHS Leadership Academy
- Public Health England – Aspirant Directors of Public Health
- The National Skills Academy for Social Care
- Virtual Staff College for Leaders of Children’s Services, UK
- HeadStart Project, Blackpool Local Educational Authorities
- Linde University – Leadership Development (Saïd)
- Ruskin Mill Colleges (Special educational needs colleges)
- Master of Science in Practical Skills Therapeutic Education, Integrated Professional Development in conjunction with Ruskin Mill and the Special Educational Needs Department of the University of Lillehammer, Norway.
- Medical Lead, Trainer and Trustee for Ruskin Mill Trust and Further Education Colleges and special needs schools in Stourbridge and Sheffield
- Training centre for adolescents with emotional and behavioural difficulties
- Two schools for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties
- Supervision for therapists at Ruskin Mill College and Sunfield school.
In 1991 Richard began his work with children, young people, and adults who have experienced significant adversity and complex trauma. He frequently delivers training internationally to qualified mental health professionals in developing skills around assessment and interventions required for effective treatments of PTSD and C-PTSD.
He is fellow and faculty member of the International Society for Trauma and Dissociation, the oldest society in the world dedicated to the treatment of trauma and dissociation. He has also recently been welcomed as a faculty member of the Arizona Trauma Institute.
Richard has over twenty-two years of experience supporting those diagnosed with CPTSD and Dissociative Disorders (DID, DDNOS etc.) through running a clinic for adults impacted by childhood complex trauma. He has provided consultancy to medical teams, psychologists, and psychiatrists.
From the organisational (becoming trauma-informed) to the professional (groups, consultation, training, and supervision), Richard now works to ensure the most responsive and effective supports are available for people of all ages who need them. This extends to families and the provision of psychotherapeutic support to children, young people, and adults.
Some of Richard’s career highlights:
Key Achievements
Key Achievements
As a Petty Officer he was trained to provide psychological first aid supports (Mitchell model) to military personal in combat situations (MOD-Naval) -
Scottish Prison Service: member of ‘critical incident debrief team’ (hostage situations, significant unrest, suicides etc) and received several commendations for his supports following various events -
Development and piloting of the first relational based therapeutic groupwork program for young people convicted of sexual offences -
Piloted the first Adapted Sex Offender Treatment Programme for young people -
Developed the Advanced Equip program for Youth Units (Severe Conduct Disorder) in New Zealand and acted as a consultant to Ti Piriti Special Treatment Unit to develop new programmes -
Managed a new Therapeutic Community for 40 adult life-sentenced prisoners at HMP Dovegate and directed all treatment components (large group full community meetings, therapeutic groupwork, life-sentenced prisoners’ parole board reviews etc.) -
Developed a pioneering model of integrated therapeutic care for children impacted by complex trauma and grew the CareVisions organisation from smallest to largest in Scotland, UK. -
In collaboration with Dr Sandra Bloom, piloted and developed The Sanctuary Model (Trauma-informed care) in the UK after spending time in the USA -
Developed a Foundation degree in Therapeutic Care with the University of Plymouth (Marjon) -
Developed and implemented the Attachment and Trauma-Informed Care model (ATIC™)